
This blog contains book reviews, comments on interesting things and a smattering of self promotion. Enjoy.

Saturday, 3 January 2015

2015 - a statement of intent.

One of the great things about having a birthday in the doldrums between Christmas and New Years Eve is that I get to do all of my stock-taking in one go. Honestly, it's been a pretty exciting year. I'm not going to harp on about why in great detail like some sort of Christmas round-robin, but this year I've qualified as a teacher and seen my first novel* hit the virtual shelves. I feel a little bit of harping is justified.

But I don't want 2014 to be the year I peaked, so I'm hanging my New Years Resolutions on the web for all to see, aware that my faithful readers will be able to judge me if I fail. This year, I will:

  • Blog here at least once a month with the usual selection of book reviews and other thoughts.
  • Prepare a revised edition of my university poetry collection for publication on Kindle Direct Publishing.
  • Submit some poems to actual journals.
  • Attend  open mics and other local writing events.
  • Start a new blog project (by the end of this week - watch this space).

* It's called Circ and it was the result of a collaborative project between myself and nine other writers, published by the excellent Pigeon Park Press. You can buy it here.